3 signs you are ready to invest in a professional brand & website

I'm about to ask you a hard question… Does your website reflect the business you had or the business you aspire to have?

As a business owner, you may have built your website yourself or hired someone to create it for you. However, as you grow and evolve, you may feel that your digital home isn't reflecting your business and values accurately. Many of my clients feel this way when they come to me so I assure you that it's completely normal AND it's something that I love to support around.

You may know it’s time for a refresh, but you’re still wondering whether you should take on this task yourself or hire a professional designer to help you upgrade your website.

And I get it! Hiring a website designer can feel like a huge step and you might be wondering if the timing is right. In today’s post, let me share with you 3 signs you’re ready to work with a professional designer. Let’s get started.

1. Your current website isn’t helping you book aligned clients

If you find that your existing website isn't helping you attract the type of client you want to work with — someone who values your work, is willing to pay your premium rates, and is a joy to work with — it may be time to honestly assess your online presence.

It could be that your current website isn’t communicating your values, or not showcasing enough of your personality for potential clients to connect with you on a deeper level and take that next step to work with you.

A professional brand & web designer who specialises in creating purposeful and strategic designs can help you analyse your target audience more precisely, and create an intentional website that speaks directly to them, everything from strong messaging to your brand photography.

Imagine being able to stop wasting time on calls with people who aren’t a good fit, and instead, attract prospects who immediately connect with you and are excited about your offer! That is the power of an aligned website.

2. You're making big changes within your business

Perhaps you’re in the process of making significant changes in your business. It could be pivoting to a different target audience, overhauling the collection of services you offer or expanding your business, perhaps even changing your business name.

No matter what those changes are, it is critical that any changes happening are accurately represented on your website. If you were a life coach looking to raise your profile with the goal to become the go-to expert in your field, start public speaking and secure a TED Talk next year, then your website should be built to support this goal — for instance with a dedicated press page and media kit, or highlighting past speaking opportunities or podcast interviews you've done.

A professional web designer can help you clarify your new direction and strategically plan your website to lay the foundation for long-term growth with consistent visuals that support that goal.

3. You want to increase your prices

If you are looking to increase your pricing, it is important to ensure that your brand and website design reflect the high quality and cost of your services. Take the time to evaluate your current design. What do the messaging and visuals communicate to potential clients? Can they easily understand the value of your services just by looking at your website?

Remember that your website gives potential clients a taste of what working with you is like.

Think of it like this: you’re in a new city and looking for a hotel to spend the night.

You walk into the first hotel and as you enter the lobby, you notice the door is broken. Then you wait 20 minutes for reception staff to greet you. There’s nowhere to sit down and the air conditioning is busted. When inquiring about the room's pricing, you are told it costs US$500 per night. Don't you find this pricing misaligned with the experience? The same applies when your website does not align with your premium pricing. Potential clients may expect high-end pricing, but when they encounter outdated information, broken links, and inconsistent branding and visuals, their impression of your business will suffer.

Back to our city trip. The second hotel you visit has a secure door, the reception staff greets you immediately, their air conditioning wafts a gentle cool breeze, the sofas are plush and comfortable and there’s even a water cooler, champagne glasses and table of snacks. Wouldn't you expect the room to cost around US$500, and wouldn't mind paying this amount for the experience? The same is true for your website. People are willing to pay more for a more elevated experience visually and from a user experience standpoint.

When it comes to your business, hiring a professional web designer can help you create a website that strategically showcases your expertise, testimonials, and portfolio. This will present your services in the best possible light, making it easier for potential clients to see their value and not hesitate to pay your premium rates.

The bottom line

Investing in a professional brand and website will be a game-changer for your business.

If you're feeling frustrated with your current website and the way it represents your business, I'd love to support you in uncovering what your next-level website can do for you and your business growth. Don't let an outdated website hold you back from attracting your dream clients, achieving big goals and growing your revenue.

Curious to know how a professional can help you upgrade your website?

Then I'd love for you to join me for a completely free website assessment call.

During this free 30-minute call we'll:

  • Review your website and identify areas for improvement, so you can understand where your website is holding you back and opportunities to make it even more effective.
  • Talk about the mistakes people make on their website and the 3 easy ways you can improve yours to boost engagement.
  • Leave the call with 3 personalised action items you can implement immediately so you can increase your conversions, book more aligned clients and ultimately grow your business.

If you're ready to take your business to the next level, I would love to support you so you can expand your reach and make more sales through your website.

Schedule your free website assessment call

About Milk Tea Web

I’m Chloé, the designer and web strategist behind Milk Tea Web, a creative studio specialising in strategic branding and website design. With nearly a decade of communications experience in my back pocket, I help coaches, consultants and service providers create strategic brands and websites that elevate their online presence so they can win more business.

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